2023/24 學年書單價目表

項目 售價 (HK$)
上學期 生活學習套-起飛吧! 得得 $62.40
生活學習套-拯救小海豚 $62.40
生活學習套-巴特一家的新生活 $62.40
生活學習套-我愛中國 $62.40
生活學習套-活動冊 上冊 $60.00
幼兒數學新思維(第5冊) $64.50
Get Set Go Phonics Book 5 $64.40
Let's play / At school / Baby Ben / Breakfast / The mouse and the giraffe / Give my dog a wash / Little David / The autumn tree house / A Happy Day / Chinese New Year $23.10
《小腳板.走天路》第五冊 $33.30
下學期 生活學習套-達達河 $62.40
生活學習套-種植小專家 $62.40
生活學習套-颱風來了 $62.40
生活學習套-我上小學了 $62.40
生活學習套-活動冊 (下學期) $60.00
幼兒數學新思維(第6冊) $64.50
Get Set Go Phonics Book 6 $64.40
Down in the sea / The Fire / Into town / Follow me / What are they doing? / What a very hot day / Ice cream in spring / Going to the peak / End of Term / The singing monsters $23.10
《小腳板.走天路》第六冊 $33.30

2022/23 學年書單價目表

項目 售價 (HK$)
上學期 生活學習套-起飛吧! 得得 $59.70
生活學習套-拯救小海豚 $59.70
生活學習套-巴特一家的新生活 $59.70
生活學習套-我愛中國 $59.70
生活學習套-活動冊 (上學期) $57.30
兒歌樂 高上/高下  $38.10
Phonics Around Us-Pupil's Book 5 $52.20
Let's play / At school / Baby Ben / Breakfast / The mouse and the giraffe / Give my dog a wash / Little David / The autumn tree house / A Happy Day / Chinese New Year $21.90
親親天父 第5冊 $45.90
下學期 生活學習套-達達河 $59.70
生活學習套-種植小專家 $59.70
生活學習套-颱風來了 $59.70
生活學習套-我上小學了 $59.70
生活學習套-活動冊 (下學期) $57.30
Phonics Around Us-Pupil’s Book 6 $52.20
Down in the sea / The Fire / Into town / Follow me / What are they doing? / What a very hot day / Ice cream in spring / Going to the peak / End of Term / The singing monsters $21.90
親親天父 第6冊 $45.90